On 480th Street at the west end, north side of the road. 480th used to continue east but is now cut off by US218. According to the 1912 school map, the building appears to have been moved east from it’s original location; the person telling me about the school, Jessica Issen Miller, who visited this house once, said she thought it may have been. Jessica gave this information:
“They put a little addition on one end and made a bedroom and a bathroom. Then at the back of the school they put a kitchen along the wall and built a loft over the kitchen for a second bedroom. It’s an open loft…. The wood stove is toward the front of the building up on a platform where the teacher would have had her desk. And I am pretty sure there were still chalkboards.”
awesome! I hope they kept and use the chalk boards! It has always been a dream of mine to own and live in something like this!